Sadly, it is the arts that suffer again as the Times is dropping his column. This Sunday is the planned last printing.
Thankfully- his column will continue bigger and better than ever on his BLOG: He truly GETS IT with each of the art forms we offer in Western North Carolina.
Ted knows How to Listen, How to See, and How to Report
It doesn't get much better than that!
Bravo Ted for a job well done thus far! We look forward to even more in-depth reporting!
Another "champion" has written about Supporting the Arts during this economic time in a creative way-- Artist Constance Humphries of Asheville wrote in her recent blog about "CONSCIOUS PURCHASES"-
It is well worth reading and taking to heart. And there you can enjoy her art, consider a purchase, and also check out the new, "Come to Asheville" market at 1000 Markets.
In our area-- it would be fair to say that the artists made our nook here in Western North Carolina what it is today. It is also fair to say that without community and tourist support-- we risk losing more galleries, studios, and artists. What made it good could be gone if we are not mindful and generous in our support.
What can we do? Well, I can report one of the things I do. In a cranny upstairs I have an emergency, "gift closet." There, I have a number of purchases I have made-- saving them for gift giving. Sometimes, I do not even know who I am getting it for but when I see an art item I like and can kind-of afford-- I do buy. The holidays and birthdays are certainly way less stressful having this lovely horde!
There are SO MANY wonderful works of art, pottery, jewelry- that are made by local hard-working passionate artisians.
Please consider WHO is benefiting from your purchase- not only the GIVE-EE-- but where and whom made the item.
For instance, I have some of my work at 1000 Markets:
(FYI-We welcome commissions-- and have art in our studio from $50 and up!)
Think about it and bookmark us if these comments ring true for you.